Social Media

Social Buttons

Easy to display your social media with buttons. Use .btn-social with .btn-* social name class.

Facebook Twitter Google Plus Youtube Linkedin Skype vk Twitch Steam Dribbble Vimeo Pinterest Instagram Soundcloud Spotify Tumblr Reddit Paypal Feed Wordpress Drupal Joomla Github Slack Windows Linux
Button Icons

It is also possible to display social name with icons just use .btn-icon-alignment class.

Facebook Twitter Google Plus Youtube Linkedin Skype vk Twitch Steam Dribbble Vimeo Pinterest Instagram Soundcloud Spotify Tumblr Reddit Paypal Feed Wordpress Drupal Joomla Github Slack Windows Linux
Social Icons

If you would like to display only the icon then use .btn-icon class without social name.

Social Effects

Use .btn-default class to display it with dark background by default and use .btn-effect to add effect but don't forget to duplicate the icon.

Rounded Icons

Add the .btn-icon-circle class to display your icon in a circle.

Link Icons

Sometimes just need to display the icon as default link then add .btn-link class to your element.

Social Sizes

Add .btn-lg, .btn-sm or .btn-xs to display your button with different sizes.

Social Share

Count your likes and display it as a share button in .social-share div.

Social Blocks

Use .btn-block to set your button icon to full width. It can be useful at login or register page.